My new office has open work-space culture, we don't have dedicated cubes. I don't know much about this culture, but one of my colleagues said it's European culture open work-space. First few days were kind of cultural shock for me, while watching on my screen without any head movement I was able to see girls using lipsticks and other stuffs. I was shocked when I realized machines also do makeup things so frequently. ‘Machine’ yes most of the people behave like machine. We have been programmed to do our tasks; we don’t have a concept of status meeting in meeting room but some colorful charts where everyday some colors change. In office people know only few colors which they put on chart with their status.
Sometimes it’s literally a task to find a human among those machines. Luckily I found one who is very much human among those machines. I can see the phone-girl from my place only, really thanks to this open-space work culture.
I was really surprised to see how she manages to use that extension phone quite frequently. I don’t know whether she speaks words on phone, as I find her smiling all the time whenever she is holding phone. I have never seen her with any emotion when she is not using phone. She don't mingle with her team-mates, during her daily status she give status at the last, no emotions at all. She takes her lunch alone and strange thing is she prefers much crowded food-court over our own small pantry area.
I am surprised, how she creates her own carefree world where she is smiling all the time. She reminds me of the movie ‘Matrix’, where Mr. Anderson used phone- booth to enter into new world. At the same time she reminds me of some crazy creatures who all are pretty much decent now but sometimes use phone to explore that craziness…
I wish I could invent an invisible phone for phone-girl to see her smiling face all the time.